gamboa resort aerial tram, panama canal
The Gamboa Aerial Tram — the only aerial tram in Panama — resides north/northwest of the resort and west of the Chagres River. It spans 1,807 ft (551m), climbs 367 ft (112m), travels at 3 ft (1m), and reaches a height of 475 ft. (132m), including the lookout tower, providing visitors with scenic panoramic views of the Panama Canal, its Dredging & Maintenance Division and surrounding forest. Depending on the time of your visit, you should see transiting vessels passing in front of Gamboa and either entering or departing from the famous Gaillard Cut.
The Gamboa Aerial Tram is a relaxing, peaceful, memorable tour and one I highly recommend. It isn't my first choice for animal viewing, but it is a terrific option if you want a birds-eye view of the rainforest and Panama Canal.
Gamboa Resort's Aerial Tram – Most gondolas have three rows of bench seats and accommodate six large adults, two per row; space is plentiful. There is no walkway between the rows, so you must remain in your assigned seats. The maximum weight capacity of each gondola is much more than necessary, so safety is of no concern. You enter the gondola from the left side, and each row has a separate entrance door. A select number of gondolas have only two rows to accommodate wheelchair-restricted people.
Just outside the hotel entrance, an open black and yellow splattered shuttle bus with cushioned bench seats will ferry you to the tram; the same bus transports guests to various tour destinations, e.g., sloth sanctuary, butterfly farm, aerial tram, marina, etc. The short 5-10 minute ride leads past the sloth sanctuary and butterfly garden, passing the Chagres River to your right.
Upon reaching the Aerial Tram entrance, there are public bathrooms to the right and a slowly ascending walkway that leads up and around the back to the gondolas; there are no steps. On the wall, in front of/across from the gondolas, is general information about the aerial tram, restrictions, and guidelines to follow during your tour.
You'll each receive a hand-held speaker resembling a TV control that provides narration during your trip. You'll need to press four numbers at different stages of your climb and descent to hear the recording. If my memory serves me correctly, it's numbers #7 when you begin, #10 as you near the last section of the climb, #11 as you enter the lookout tower, and #3 when you initiate your return. But they will cover this with you before entering the gondola and departing on your ascent.
Gamboa Resort's Aerial Tram – An expansive view of a gondola descending in lush tropical rainforest. As you can see, there is considerable distance between gondolas, so you never feel like you're looking over someone's shoulder. It's a beautiful setting.
Approximately 100 ft separates the gondolas, more than I expected and more than you'll encounter on any ski lift; you'll feel alone out there. In some sections, the rainforest comes relatively close to the gondolas; in others, it's quite a distance away. The ascent lasts approximately 15 minutes and is gradual and primarily constant, though there is one section about mid-way where it does temporarily flatten out. Off to the left are two open areas offering views of the nearby Chagres River. Otherwise, the dense tropical forest lines both sides at varying distances from the gondolas.
The ride is smooth and stable, but as expected, there is a bit of bumpiness as the gondolas pass over the wheels mounted on the towers that the gondolas run along. It's momentary and nothing too jarring. Overall, it's a very comfortable ride.
After departing the gondola, it's a short, easy walk along a relatively flat, gravel walkway to the base of the observation tower. The roofed square tower, approximately 100ft (30m) in height, consists of ten floors. A 3-5 ft (1-1.5m) wide walkway resides along its perimeter, with a handrail and mesh security fence, serving as an ideal viewing platform to see flora and fauna. It is a slow, gradual climb on wooden flooring, suitable for wheelchair-restricted visitors or anyone looking for a low-impact tour.
Gamboa Resort's Aerial Tram – A view of Gamboa from the observation tower. To the right, a northbound transiting vessel passes the Dredging and Maintenance Division's facilities with a tugboat in tow. And to the left, a large crane. Further left, out of view, is the famous Gaillard Cut, often referred to as Culebra Cut.
Gamboa Resort's Aerial Tram – I wouldn't recommend the Aerial Tram for animal viewing, but that's not to say you won't see animals; I did see a beautiful toucan from the lookout tower. Indeed, the observation tower might provide the tour's best animal viewing opportunities. Unlike nearby Pipeline Road, one of Panama's many world-famous birding destinations, the observation tower offers a glimpse of the rainforest at varying elevations; you're not limited to ground-level viewing.
Animal viewing is not the Aerial Tram's strength, but that's not to say you won't see animals; I did see a beautiful toucan from the lookout tower. Indeed, the observation tower might provide the tour's best animal viewing opportunities. Unlike nearby Pipeline Road, one of Panama's many world-famous birding destinations, the observation tower offers a glimpse of the rainforest at varying elevations, not only ground-level viewing.
A good pair of binoculars would come in handy. They're light and portable and extend your vision deep into the forest's canopy. For photographers, 17-50mm and 70-300mm lenses with vibration reduction are all you need, with the latter being the one you'll most often use. As mentioned, the ride is typically stable, but the gondola constantly moves, and you are sitting; it's not like shooting on a tripod. With that said, neither of the two lenses I used on this tour had vibration reduction, so it is possible to do without.
My "one-hour-long tour" lasted slightly longer than one and a half hours. The time spent on the gondolas is nonnegotiable, as it depends on the time it takes to ascend and descend; it does have to stop every time a passenger(s) gets on or off a gondola. Once on the lookout tower, I never felt pressured or that my viewing time was monitored or restricted. Providing you are not abusive, you can likely stay long enough to see all you want to see.
The Gamboa Resort staff is always pleasant and a joy to work with. They are very forthcoming with information and assistance whenever needed, so if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask. I had a great time, and I'm sure you will, too.